What Is The Gabapentin Rehab Success Rate?

Gabapentin Rehab

Several Americans have suffered and died from substance abuse. It can be due to poisoning, overdose, and drug-related accidents. But with the help of rehab treatment, many of them who were victims of addiction are now saved. They have been reshaped into productive and healthy people in the community.

Among those substances abused in the community is Gabapentin. Many individuals have misused and abused this drug for recreational purposes. But the majority of them have recovered because they have enrolled in rehab. What’s the success rate of rehab for people abusing Gabapentin?

Let’s know more about it here.

What’s the Success Rate of Rehab for Gabapentin Addiction?

If you look into various medical reports and literature, you will find that there’s no standard success rate for rehab treatment. There are many factors influencing the rate of recovery in rehab, and it also varies per individual. But so far, around 50 to 80 percent of patients who enrolled in rehab have greatly improved their life.

The quality of life among patients undergoing treatment greatly improved since they undergo medication, therapy, and counseling. All of these are geared towards reshaping their behavior and disposition in life.

How Does Rehab Work?

Regardless of what substance you’re under the influence of, you can always rely on the professionalism of a rehab center. But how does it work? Rehab treatment is a systematic process of restructuring the patient’s mind, behavior, and body toward treatment.

The first step for any rehab will be an evaluation of the patient’s condition. This is the benchmark to know what’s the best program to help you recover from substance abuse. All therapies and medications given to a patient will be based on the outcome of the doctor’s initial assessment.

The duration of treatment will also be based on the initial medical assessment of the patient. But there will be constant evaluation of the patient’s condition and progress during treatment. This is for them to know if you need to extend your treatment sessions.

Gabapentin Rehab

What Causes Relapse to Happen?

Like any other serious health problem, relapse happens when treating addiction. This is where a patient uses the drug again and goes back to the first step of his treatment journey. This only means that maintaining sobriety is a lifelong process and commitment. You cannot do this overnight, otherwise, you will fail and go back to addiction.

Here are the possible reasons why relapse happens:

  • Exposure to old friends and colleagues that drink and abuse drugs
  • Not attending counseling and therapy sessions outside of rehab
  • Self-medication
  • Lack of alternative activities to keep oneself busy to avoid craving the drug

One of the main strategies to keep yourself sober, you need to schedule periodic counseling or therapy sessions to check on yourself. It’s a common mistake among individuals who have completed rehab not to seek continued guidance from a professional.

On average, having 12 to 16 therapy sessions in a year would be effective in helping you or a patient stay sober. This can be once a week of counseling that usually lasts around 30 to 45 minutes. It is often advised that individuals will have continued therapy for 3 to 4 months after getting out of rehab.

This helps strengthen your will and commitment to keeping yourself healthy and clean. After four months of counseling, you need to keep yourself away from triggers and negative peers.

What’s the Rate of Relapse after Completing Rehab?

The relapse rate among patients completing their rehab is around 30 to 60 percent. Does that mean treatment is ineffective? Once a person gets out of rehab, various things can influence his mind and behavior. Taking that into consideration and the freedom of the patient after rehab, keeping oneself sober is already at the hands of the person.

When you go into rehab, you are retraining your mind and body not to crave the substance. Even if the withdrawal symptoms are painful, still, you are pushing yourself forward because you want to get well. All rehab centers want their patients to keep the same level of stamina and dedication to stay sober even if they finish their treatment program.

Take note, relapse is not a good measurement that a treatment program is ineffective. Relapse happens because the person lowers his guard from triggers that can cause him to use the substance again. Because of this dilemma, it is recommended that continued counseling must be done by the patient after rehab.

Gabapentin Rehab

How to Measure the Success Rate of Gabapentin Rehab?

Addiction is a chronic illness that doesn’t have a straightforward treatment process. It’s a popular question asked by the community about the success rate of rehab. But what’s most suitable to ask is, “What are the best treatment methods to help you recover from Gabapentin addiction?”.

Different individuals react uniquely to a specific treatment method. Professionals need to evaluate your condition before they can prescribe a therapy or medicine for you. What works for patient A might not work for patient B, and this is a fact. Customizing rehab programs to fit the needs of the patient is the best way to ensure the success rate is high.


You can find various medical statistics showing the success rate of rehab is above 50 percent while some report a lower figure. Nothing’s wrong with that as the success rate of rehab is a volatile matter to discuss. What’s important is you are getting the right medication and behavioral therapies for you to recover from Gabapentin addiction. This is the most important factor to consider when you choose a rehab center.

Enrolling in rehab is your best means to get well and recover from substance use disorder. If you have anxiety about rehab, you can conquer that by educating yourself on what happens during treatment. We hope we have helped you understand the essence of a successful rehab program, and why relapse happens to some patients after completing their treatment.

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