Adderall contains both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine which makes it a potent drug that actively stimulates the brain. It is intended to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder. Its main function is to keep a person focused and manage their impulsive behavior.
As it is a potentially addictive substance and known to bring mild and severe side effects, combining this medication with other substances may pose risks to one’s health or weaken its effectiveness as a treatment. Before taking such measures, it is best to consult one’s physician about this matter.
Alcohol Interaction with Adderall
Alcohol is the number one substance that must be avoided in combination with the drug. As it boosts levels of neurotransmitters to keep one awake, it prevents the body from getting drunk. This can lead to the risk of alcohol poisoning which is life-threatening. This can also trigger mood disorders and cause strokes and seizures in the long run.
In addition, alcohol also weakens the effectiveness of the drug. Instead of increasing concentration, the tendency to lose one’s sense of judgment and coordination can happen. It can affect one’s vision, develop slurred speech, and lead to multiple other medical problems such as hypertension and palpitations.
Some individuals resort to misusing the drug by taking it with alcohol to party longer or sometimes to numb themselves from the side effects of their medication. If this is done consecutive times, they can develop substance addiction or impair their ability to concentrate and solve problems in the long run.
It is unsafe to drink alcohol while on medication.To be safe, it is best to ask the advice of one’s physician.
The Risk of Combined Medication with Adderall
It is important to understand the nature of how the drug works to prevent complications caused by combined medications. This drug is classified as a stimulant that irregularly activates the brain to increase levels of wakefulness and concentration among patients. Drugs that contradict these effects are not recommended as a combination.
Antihistamines, for instance, which are used to treat allergies, are usually prescribed by doctors to be taken before bedtime as it makes one feel sleepy. The sedative effect of the drug counteracts the increased levels of energy caused by the stimulant. This disturbs the normal function of the body and can be dangerous.
The drug also affects the function of the bloodstream and the heart which are the usual target points for side effects. Any medication used to relieve ailments related to the circulatory system may not work effectively in conjunction with the drug. This is the reason why a prescription is not given to those with hypertension and heart diseases.
Specifically, alpha-blockers which are intended to reduce blood pressure by keeping the blood vessels open contradict the stimulant’s impact of constricting them due to the increased levels of norepinephrine. The most common alpha-blockers are doxazosin, prazosin, and terazosin. This kind of treatment will defeat the purpose of the treatment itself.
While antacids, the medicines intended to relieve indigestion and heartburn, are likely to increase the absorption of the drug, gastrointestinal acidifying agents, medicines intended to increase the levels of acid in the stomach to increase metabolism, are also likely to decrease the absorption of the drug. Either class is not suited to be combined with the stimulant.
When the drug works together with CYP2D6 inhibitors and serotonergic drugs, this may activate the brain too much and lead to Serotonin Syndrome. This syndrome occurs once the body has excessive levels of serotonin, a chemical in the brain which is responsible for its smooth communication with the rest of the nerve cells.
Tricyclic antidepressants for depression will only strengthen the power of the stimulant to produce high levels of norepinephrine and serotonin which could result in too much brain activity. This can also lead to increased heart rate and high blood pressure. Complications may lead to severe cardiovascular problems.
Monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors which are also used to treat depression combined with the stimulant can pose serious neurological effects that can lead to death. The patient may also experience extreme high blood pressure and fever, as well as metabolic acidosis, a condition where the body contains too much acid.
Phenobarbital or phenytoin which are used to control seizures may lose their effect once combined with the stimulant. The possible risk is the tendency for patients to experience extreme episodes of seizures. Combination with pain relievers such as meperidine will amplify the effect of the stimulant while propoxyphene can cause lethal convulsions.
What To Avoid when using it for Treatment
Vitamin C has the tendency to weaken the effects of the stimulant in the body that is why it is not recommended to be taken an hour before and after taking the drug. This is also true among foods with citric acids such as fruit juices as well as those with high preservatives. Soda drinks are not exempt from the list.
Coffee with the stimulant will also affect the patients’ quality of sleep and they are also likely to experience nervousness, palpitations, and even high blood pressure. It is best to avoid caffeinated beverages while the drug is still in one’s system. The most important thing to do is to focus on getting enough rest as well as living a healthy lifestyle while on treatment.
Certain nutrients can help boost one’s physical health in the middle of stimulant medication. Vitamin C can help prevent withdrawal symptoms so when a patient’s physician starts to taper off their dosage, one can support their system by taking Vitamin C.
Studies have also proven that increasing Vitamin D can help alleviate symptoms of ADHD. Other recommended supplements that are safe with the stimulant are multivitamins, zinc, tyrosine, and magnesium. Overall, safe treatment with stimulants requires close supervision from one’s physician. Consult them first before taking anything.