Marijuana addiction is something that is slowly brushed off by society as less important considering that it is being pushed for legalization. Addiction experts oppose this move and continue to stress that the use of marijuana impedes the quality of life, brings health risks, and causes problems in society in the long run.
If you want to get the best treatment plan, you need to consult with a doctor. They are professionals who specialize in this condition. They can help you recover your healthy life again.
Is Marijuana Addiction Treatment Necessary
Definitely! Most people do not care about getting treated since they perceive that marijuana does not bring serious side effects compared to other addictive substances such as heroin. However, this is a common misconception. The impact of marijuana addiction hits strongly on the psychological aspect of a person and this should not be neglected.
An individual addicted to marijuana spends each waking day thinking about getting hold of the drug, and mostly feels extremely anxious about getting caught using it or losing a grip of it. It hampers daily responsibilities and even relationships with other people. Moreover, it can cause violence and harm in society.
There are also numerous physical health risks involved in marijuana addiction. It may seem unfelt for some time but after a period of long-term use, it could destroy the normal function of the lungs and the heart, and even impair memory and logical thinking. It could also bring occasions of dizziness and vomiting.
Just as any physical illness requires medical care, marijuana addiction is a serious health problem that must be given proper treatment. While most of the patients under the influence of weed in inpatient facilities are brought there for criminal charges, inpatient treatment offers huge benefits to anyone who struggles with marijuana addiction.
Which Is Better: Inpatient or Outpatient Treatment
Each type of care has its advantages and disadvantages. Nothing is better than the other. It is important to evaluate the level of addiction a person has so that they would be given a treatment plan which responds to their personal needs. Typically, a treatment program must include detox, therapy, and support groups to make it more meaningful.
Inpatient treatment offers a highly-supervised setting where individuals can remove themselves from the temptation of using marijuana in their everyday life. Their attention is solely focused on recovery programs that help them build deeper connections to themselves, strengthen coping skills, and relate to individuals who share similar challenges.
On the other hand, outpatient treatment still contains rigorous recovery programs such as that of inpatient treatment. The only difference is that patients are free to return to their domestic life and continue their responsibilities at home, at work, or school. Mild cases of addiction are more suitable for this type of care.
Sometimes, marijuana addiction is triggered by underlying mental health illnesses, or perhaps, patients have engaged themselves seriously in poly-substance abuse with marijuana. The best approach to these cases requires close medical supervision and inpatient care is a better choice for that.
What Program Responds Best To Marijuana Addiction
Addiction treatment usually begins with the detoxification process and this can be a painful one. It usually takes about two weeks for the withdrawal symptoms to persist and the help of a physician is vital to aid patients overcome this phase. For some people, the symptoms may even continue to linger for several more weeks and this can be challenging.
As soon as the physical state is conditioned to function without the presence of the substance, the psychological aspect is the next target to heal. This can be possible by the use of therapy. Marijuana addiction develops psychological dependence much more deeply compared to physical dependence which is why therapy is the foundation of treatment.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is the most popular approach to treating marijuana addiction. The program aims to enrich a person’s connection with oneself and gain skills to combat returning to marijuana use. This also includes identifying what truly causes a person to engage in marijuana addiction.
With CBT, a person is made to recognize certain thoughts and feelings which lead them to addiction. Most often, people use marijuana as a way to shut down their fears and insecurities in life. As soon as they acknowledge these feelings as valid and something which should not be suppressed, they will discover positive ways to overcome them.
Determining personal triggers to addiction such as an encounter with certain people or places, or even remembering past trauma is vital in preventing relapse. CBT therapists can guide one to develop ways to control oneself and resist the temptation of relapse or remove oneself from the sticky situation.
All these are made possible through counseling sessions, workshops, and meetings with support groups during treatment. A time for meditation and writing journals are also helpful ways to reach a deeper knowledge of oneself. All these are possible in both inpatient and outpatient settings.
Support Groups
In conjunction with CBT, engagement with support groups is also a great approach to keeping oneself away from relapse. Sessions in support groups also enrich a person’s understanding of addiction. It strengthens the idea that the journey to recovery cannot be achieved alone.
Support groups are even highly recommended to progress after getting medical care. Establishing a deeper connection with people who share similar struggles and victories in overcoming addiction builds a positive personal disposition. Discovering new friendships also sparks new adventures to take.
Support groups can be rooted in different programs such as spiritual, self-empowerment, involvement of families, or the popular 12-step approach. It serves as a home to receiving understanding and care other than oneself. Although the family is a great source of support, it still pays to know people who have known addiction firsthand.
Overall, what truly makes a lasting recovery from addiction is the unwavering commitment to take that path. Being too confident about having successfully overcome it for some time can also lead to falling off. Staying true to oneself and continuously humbling oneself in reaching out for help when needed, these are surer steps to staying sober.